Monday, May 2, 2011

United We Stand, Divided We Fall...

Let us be grateful for the freedoms we do have and for all that America has to offer us. At times, I may not agree with the politicians, leaders, and/or their true motives behind world affairs, but as a nation let us not forget that we must maintain a unity between us, we the people.

For, it is a nation divided that shall collapse. Too much disdain will only breed strife, animosity, and confusion. Now, don't get me wrong. I do not mean to shut your opinions, beliefs, and/or influence, but rather encourage you to understand that in order to remain a strong nation we "must" show it.

This means "war/battle/fight" whenever necessary. I do not mean we should go around the world and bully everyone, but we must keep our perspective for a strong military. Kinda like a man in jail must "prove" his own strength along with having a strong group having his back. It's the way of the world, like it or not, it just is. If you show weakness, someone in the world will punk you or bully you. And, take away your possessions of value.

I believe at times we might cross the line a bit, but I would rather be on the side of strength than on the side of weakness. Let us teach our next generation to be a proud and strong nation, but never a nation of ignorance.

Semper fidelis...


May 1st 2011...

About 2 mins. into the video... The beginning is just description of the horrible day we refer to as Sept. 11th... Obama claims Al-Quaeda "openly" declared "war" on the United States. This is NOT true! If any of you can recollect the reports from Al-Quaeda or the Taliban within September of 2001, they both "openly" DENIED responsibilty of the attacks on the twin-towers, yet praised those responsible for the act.

Don't forget our (American) involvement in the Russian/Afganistan War through 1989. We supported the Mujahideen, whom Osama Bin Laden was affiliated with. We gave "aid" to Osama's group. Yes, we did!!

Don't forget about the Kosovo Liberation Army, which we declared as "terrorist" in 1998. And, whom we (America) sought to form a relationship with in 2000 for political reasons.

We, America, are no better than a "terrorist" group! Yes, I said it!! We are a super-power and we exude that power to our own benefit!! Do I appreciate my country? Hell yes!! Do I question our motives in our world affairs? You better believe it!! Are we, Americans, the saviors of the Earth? I am not too sure about that...

- ErieOne-SharingThePolitics...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How Pac-Man influenced a life of thievery...


I was a 7 year old kid, the year was 1982. A song hit the airwaves and two kids, along with many others, were addicted to a game called Pac-Man. The song may have only encouraged the addiction, but more importantly the album had a cheat maze. I don't like to think of it as cheating though, I would rather consider it a way of learning how to be better at it, although some will disagree with a fair argument. Either way, my brother and I wanted it.

One day our mother took us both on a trip to the store, K-Mart. We must have been shopping for something we desperately needed because we couldn't afford to go shopping for our own hearts' desires. It may have been for pants we needed so badly because we had too many iron-on patches on them already, or maybe it was for socks that were falling apart because we had sewn them so many times they became quilt-looking patches themselves. What ever the reason was we were happy to be there.

My brother and I asked our mother if we could go over to the record section. My brother was a record collector since the age of 8. He was 10 years old that day. He looked feverishly for the "Pac-Man Fever" album and found it. He wanted the maze so badly he opened up the album right there on the spot to see it. Ahhh! As if it was the holy grail for us pac-man addicts. So valuable, it must be obtained. We couldn't leave the store without it! Unfortunately for us we had no money. We needed it by all means necessary.

I was drafted as the look-out. Check! In a slick easy manner my brother slid the already folded maze into his back pocket. Was it this simple, I thought? My brother just stole something, but it felt so right! Muahaha!

We, soon after, met up with our mother and we were anxious to leave. I think I saw a little sweat trikle down my brother's forehead as we walked out the store and it wasn't even hot. But it worked. We got away with a crime. When we got home I was told to never, ever mention what we did that day...

I think today supersedes the stature of limitations to our original agreement...

- Yours turly,
The Pac-Town Kids